Knowing that our topic for this month’s Resorter would the stained glass group and their leader, Joanne McCarty, I did a little background reading and came across what surely is the only joke ever on the subject of stained glass (from someone named Chic Murray):
We’ve got stained glass windows in our house; it’s those damned pigeons.
Not bad. And to hear Joanne talk, there’s a lot of laughter going on in The Resort’s Glass Room: “it’s a great group; we get fun people.” That helps explain why it’s become a popular activity in the park. (By the way, it’s used to be The Stained Glass Room, but, as Joanne explained, the club decided to drop “stained” from their name because they were doing so much work that didn’t involve the old notion of what “stained glass” called to mind.)
If you’ve ever thought you might like to give working with glass a try, The Resort’s group offers regular Beginner’s classes. You pay your $20 annual membership, and everything is included for your first two projects. The first is to make a butterfly, and that means learning the basics of cutting, grinding and soldering. Then, as Joanne explained, “For their second project they expand to something else and pick their own pattern.”
Photos: That’s Joanne in the photo, holding a typical beginner’s project and below that, a look at a table full of other projects.